
Red Top Water "Enjoying the Joy of Living your Life"

Water – everything starts with water. Life itself starts with water and without water there is no life.

We all know when we have more water, we have more life. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves and others about the important and necessary benefits of water. The distinguished red top of Red Top Water signals that reminder.

Why is the Red Top so important?


The Story

In 2019, I was diagnosed with appendicitis. A major part of my recovery depended on me drinking large amounts of water on a daily basis.  These amounts consisted of 100 to 120 oz. per day, but I was only used to drinking about 64 oz. a day at best. In order to keep myself motivated and as a reminder, I wrote the word “Water” on a strip of red gaff tape and stuck it at the top of my refrigerator. This tactic proved to be very effective as I ended up drinking the minimum amounts of water daily without fail, and I lost about 15 pounds in six weeks. My recovery was remarkable with my entire diet changing for the best, and my physical activity increasing to a 4X a week workout.  In know without a doubt that it wasn’t just the tape that made the difference. It was the strategy of using red tape and placing it at the top of the refrigerator, which triggered the reminders and the importance of drinking the water.  This is the reason why Red Top Water was chosen as the brand name for this product.


  • Red is the most distinguished color.
  • Red is the signal color for an emergency
  • Red on a thermostat represents heat
  • Red indicates importance or urgency

The red top is our reminder to have a better quality of life with a sufficient daily intake of Red Top Water.


Why is hydration important? Well, we’re glad you asked.

Essentially, hydration improves the mind and all the senses of the body. Your abilities to smell, taste, feel, hear and see are at optimum levels when your body is hydrated. Hydration is key to maintaining a healthy and productive lifestyle. Hydration allows you to look and feel your best. When you’re hydrated, you breathe, think, grow and even sleep better. Your abilities to study, reason and comprehend are other attributes extended through hydration with a sufficient daily intake of Red Top Water.

We expect every time you see Red Top Water, you will never take hydration lightly again.


  • Quick Delivery and Fast Recovery
  • Hydration relieves frustration
  • Refreshing, Revive,
  • Sip, Swallow, Drink,
  • Feel, Flourish
  • Fight dehydration, obesity, heart, lung and kidney disease.